Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cross breeds....

Look he druels...... but isn't the liger big????
Awe look at the baby liger...... This as a lion like Liger.

Here is a Leopard, A lion crossed with a lepoard. Just thought i'd put up some more pics... (big cats I love them but mixed.....SWEET....)

Jael and I

Jael my niece and I... Awe she likes to pull my goat..."hmmmm hair, on his chin?!?!"

Caleb and I

Awe.... Am I really that scary??
He loves me he really does... just not at that moment......
HE HE HE HE HE!!!!!!
This was at my dad's retirement party.... he looks a little scared doesn't he?? This i caleb my nephew.. isn't he cute..... Tamara and Ezra have some pretty cute kids eh???

Mom and Dad

These are my parents.....They they made great looking kids didn't they????

A little about me

I thought I would post a bit about me..

Well as you know my name is Derek I was born Nov. 27, 1985 and I have lived in Abbotsford all of my life.

But yah.... I'm a very happy go lucky fun loving guy.

I like to read, swim, hike, listen to music, watch movies and just plain old have a good time.

I hate being by myself... even if I am sitting bored with someone at least I'm with someone.

I love my friends.. and they love me no matter how flaming I get (Being gay.. I get that way sometimes)

I am a respectful guy. I treat everyone with respect until they prove to me that they don't deserve my respect.

And even though I'm considerate I'm not afraid to tell you how it is.. I'm blunt that way.

WOO finaly I have matured enough to have my own place, take care of bills, and look at life from a postitive point of veiw.

I think that is the most important. Focusing on all the positive aspects of you're life without ignoring the negatives.

It is a difficult thing to do but I am the happiest person I can be.

I find it hard to be unhappy now... Mind you I've gone from being a homeless speed head to a functioning member of society. I don't regret anything that has happened to me I have learned valuable lessons from everything. Every thing I have done has made me the person I am today and I love to be me.